Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do You Hear That Sucking Sound?

Does anyone remember back in 1992 Ross Perot saying "Do you hear that sucking sound?  That's jobs going to Mexico."

Perot's  statement was made about President Bill Clinton's free trade policy with Mexico.

President Clinton started the free trade policies that both Democrats and Republicans alike are still practicing today.  Can someone please explain why the policy is so good for the U.S.A?

AS I SEE IT:  I can hear that 'sucking sound'.  Our country has been loosing job's every since Free Trade started.  It may be good for the rest of the world, but certainly not for the U.S. Labor force or the middle class working American.   

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Free Trade - Really?

Sale price of the Chevrolet Volt which is made in the U.S.A. and sold in other countries:

UNITED STATES:  $39,995.

CANADA:  $40,280.

EURO ZONE:  $54,290.

UK:  $51,785.

CHINA:  $79,050.

AS I SEE IT:  The shipping cost to China is HUGE!
Yea!  Free Trade!  Tariffs?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Congressional Oath

Congressional members have taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States Of America, yet they passed Obama Care at least the Democrats did.

AS I SEE IT:  The only thing that the congressional members protect and defend are their own ass-its.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Russia's New Technology

August 2009 the government awarded $118.5 million dollars in stimulus money to the ENER1 battery company. ENER1 battery company was supposed to be the wave of the future according to Joe Biden in January of 2011.  At that time Biden said the company employed 80 people.  One year later, January 2012 ENER1 went bankrupt with $90 million in dept, AFTER using up $54.9 million of the awarded stimulus, plus more $$$$$$ that the state and city gave the company. Two branches of our military, Army and Navy, tried to help by giving ENER1 contracts for batteries and other material's for the unmanned aerial vehicles.
Now ENER1 is owned by a Russian businessman who purchased the company from bankruptcy.

AS I SEE IT:  Russia no longer has to steal technology from us.  Obama and Biden will use our tax dollar to invent the technology then sell it to Russia on the cheep.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Food Stamps For Votes

Have you seen the ad on TV encouraging people to apply for food stamps?  This ad is implying that the government owes it to them.  No wonder the Cato institute reported a 41% increase in welfare since Obama took office.

AS I SEE IT:  People who truly need this assistance should receive the help. But this TV add is nothing more than a campaign ad looking to buy votes with my Taxes instead of buying FOOD for the program.....  What do you think?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Welfare Programs Up 41%

I was watching 'America Live' today on Fox news. They reported that the Cato Institute released a new report about welfare spending.   Anti poverty programs  are up 41% since Obama took office.  Federal & State combined, spends $20,610 per person equaling $61,830 for a family of 3 per year.

AS I SEE IT:  A lot of people I know do NOT make 61,830 per year and have more than 3 in their family.  So where is this welfare money being spent? People that really need assistance should get it, I am pretty sure that no family of 3 is getting 61,830 in welfare programs so where is the money ? Talk about a waste!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Posing with the Enemy

I am listening to the news media who have been repeatedly  condemning our troops for posing
with and taking pictures of the suicide bombers.  The same Enemy who just moments before
tried to kill our troops along with themselves.

 AS I SEE IT:  No one should condemn our troops actions unless they themselves have been on the battle field and in combat.

AS A FOOT NOTE: Why in the Blue Blazes does the news media constantly show the photos in the first place?  Are they trying to get our troops killed?